SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission

P. O. Box 7352

York, PA 17404


March 24, 2004


Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Prefect of Doctrine of the Faith

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Piazza del S. Uffizio, 11, 00193

Roma, Italy


Encl: Letter to Cardinal Ratzinger, February 7, 2004

          Reply from Msgr. Perl, March 12, 2004


Dear Cardinal Ratzinger,


I sent the enclosed letter, dated February 7, 2004, to your office because it concerned a question of Catholic doctrine, and the charge of heresy and schism made by a diocesan official and spokesman of the local ordinary.  The letter was copied to the Ecclesia Dei Commission for their information only so that they would have additional documentary evidence regarding the impotency of their office in the defense of the rights of Catholics to practice the Catholic Faith according to the immemorial Traditions of the Latin Rite. 


The local ordinary of Harrisburg, PA, Bishop Nicholas Dattilo, made a public charge of heresy and schism without providing any further specification or documentary evidence to support the allegation.  Since Bishop Dattilo died on March 5, 2004, he cannot correct or make amends for the calumny that has been committed against myself and the other members of SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission.  This is a serious charge for which, as a Catholic, I have appealed to Rome for a formal opinion regarding any doctrinal error that may be contained in our public statements.  This question was not submitted to the Ecclesia Dei Commission and is not a question that pertains to their “particular competency.”  Furthermore, I and the members of SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission hold to the practice of our immemorial Ecclesiastical Traditions of the Roman Rite by virtue of our rights as Catholics and not by virtue of any “indult.”  Therefore, we do not look to the Ecclesia Dei Commission for any help in securing our rights since they do not recognize them as such.  The Ecclesia Dei Commission has been around for sixteen years and has been of no benefit whatsoever to myself, my family, or any other Catholic in the Harrisburg Diocese who is intent upon maintaining the practice of the Traditions of the Roman Rite.


Msgr. Perl, the secretary for the Ecclesia Dei Commission was asked by your office to reply to my letter.  Since the question of the doctrinal correctness of our publications is not within his competency, he did not attempt to provide an answer.  Msgr. Perl did however offer a pastoral opinion regarding SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission’s efforts to restore the Ecclesiastical Traditions of the Roman Rite to this diocese.  There are two statements of Msgr. Perl that I would like to comment upon to your office.  


Msgr. Perl said that “it is not simply for you or your community to determine what is ‘contrary to, or could in any way impede, the restoration and defense of the immemorial traditions of the Catholic Church’.”  In this he is correct.  The job is the primary responsibility of the local ordinary.  Unfortunately, the local ordinary has not only failed in the “restoration and defense of the immemorial traditions of the Catholic Church” but he actively worked to destroy them.  What Msgr. Perl ignores is that the primary responsibility for the salvation of each soul falls upon the individual person, and when the local ordinary exercises his office in a manner that does not provide the necessary means for the individual to save his soul, then he must take that responsibility upon himself.  To my understanding, this is wholly consonant with the constant teaching of the Catholic Church. 


Further, Msgr. Perl states that, “Conditional obedience to the Pope and Bishops of the Church in union with him is always a dangerous position to espouse.”  This is not completely true.  While it may be “dangerous,” it is not always or necessarily so.  Catholic teaching requires that an act of obedience to any human, if it is to be an act of virtue, must always be “conditional.”  It is conditional to the requisite subjugation of the command to the Divine Law, Natural Law and all previously defined dogma and traditional doctrinal teachings of the Catholic Church.  Again, it is my understanding that whenever a command is even only apparently in opposition to the higher order, and the individual conscience cannot satisfactorily resolve this opposition to produce a true and morally certain conscience, a Catholic is morally required to follow his conscience and not obey that command.  


There are hundreds of Catholics in the Diocese of Harrisburg who cannot participate in the liturgical, doctrinal and moral practices of the Novus Ordo Church as a matter of conscience, and our Mission chapel is drawing more of these Catholics to its membership every week.  This “matter of conscience” not only refers to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass but to the entire complement of innovations that violate our Traditions.  As to the formation of a correct conscience, there is no better guide nor safer path than to follow than the countless confessors, doctors, popes and saints that have gone before us in the practice of the immemorial Traditions of our Church.  Provided I keep to this path, I have no fear whatsoever regarding the judgment of God, to which we must all answer, for failing in obedience to a local ordinary who believes he has a better idea that countermands two thousand years of Tradition, particularly, when that “better idea” is evidently and manifestly ruinous to the Catholic Faith and the salvation of souls.


It is regrettable that Msgr. Perl found my letter to Bishop Dattilo offering him the opportunity to consecrate our chapel as “polemical” and “accusatory” for the letter was neither.  This comment says a lot more about Msgr. Perl and the Ecclesia Dei Commission than it does about the tone of my letter.  The letter is a straight forward affirmation of our intent to claim our rights as Catholics to the immemorial Traditions of our Church that we hold are necessary for the accomplishment of our duties that God has placed before us.  We are committed to the practice of the Catholic Faith according to the Traditions of the Roman Rite with or without the permission of the local ordinary.  Regardless, we will continue to insure that the names of Pope John Paul II and the next local ordinary are cited in the canon of the Masses offered at our chapel.


I appeal to your office again regarding the charge of heresy that has been made in the public forum.  If there is any heretical opinion expressed in the previously provided documents, I respectfully request that your office clearly and specifically identify them. 


Sincerely in Christ,




Dr. David M. Drew


SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission




cc.  Rev. Msgr. Camille Perl, Secretary Pontifical Commission of Ecclesia Dei





SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission

P. O. Box 7352

York, PA 17404


February 7, 2004


Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Prefect of Doctrine of the Faith

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Piazza del S. Uffizio, 11, 00193

Roma, Italy


Dear Cardinal Ratzinger,


I am the chairman of SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission.  The Mission is an association of lay Catholics dedicated to the restoration of the Ecclesiastical Traditions of the Roman Rite to the Diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  To this end we have purchased a church in the historic district of York, PA and provide for the regular offering of the Traditional Roman Rite (Tridentine) Mass, the daily practice of a holy hour of adoration and reparation to the Blessed Sacrament with the reading of Vespers and Compline, catechetical instruction for both adults and children, and the sponsoring of speakers for public lectures.


The local ordinary, Bishop Nicholas Dattilo, has refused to fulfill his obligation to care for our spiritual needs which has necessitated our taking the initiative to see that we have the Catholic sacraments, Catholic doctrine and Catholic morals without compromise and according to the traditions of the Roman Rite.  Bishop Dattilo has refused communion with the Traditional Catholics of SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission.  He has refused to permit the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter to operate in this diocese.  The papal flag is displayed in the sanctuary of SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Chapel, located at 129 S. Beaver Street, York, Pennsylvania, and the names of Pope John Paul II and Bishop Dattilo are included in the canon of the Traditional Masses offered in this chapel. 


Rev. William J. King, JCD, the judicial vicar and spokesman for Bishop Dattilo has published the unsubstantiated allegation in the diocesan newspaper and parish bulletins against the Traditional Catholics of SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission that “many of their doctrines and practices contradict Biblical revelation and authentic Catholic teaching,” and that “their theology contains certain doctrinal errors.”  He has also described us as a “dissident sect in schism with the Catholic Church.”  Rev. King has refused an offer to specify these allegations or defend these statements in a public forum where he could be directly questioned.


This is a public accusation of heresy and schism against Catholics who hold the entire Catholic Faith whole and inviolable in its doctrinal and moral integrity.  The Catholics of SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission appeal to your Excellency to examine these accusations to determine their merit.  Rev. King must be required to substantiate his accusations with a specific charge that is supported by real evidence, or he must be required to publish a retraction and an apology in the same forum with the same degree of emphasis that the false accusations were made.  Failing that, we ask that your office examine these documents and determine if they contain any error of Catholic doctrine or morals.


I have enclosed for your information that statement of our corporate purpose of SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission, the letter of invitation to Bishop Dattilo to consecrate our church, a document formally submitted to Bishop Dattilo by one of his priests for determination of any theological error. 


We remain loyal Catholics in doctrine, morals, liturgical worship and in all disciplinary matters that do not restrict our practice and defense of the Ecclesiastical Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.


Sincerely in Christ,




David Drew


SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Mission


Encl: Rev. King’s notice in the Catholic Witness, the diocesan newspaper

          Letter inviting Bishop Dattilo to consecrate SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Chapel

          Rev. King letter of February 3, 2004

          Reply to a Conservative Canon Lawyer, A Defense of Our Rights to the Ecclesiastical Traditions

          Two front page articles from the York Daily Record, the local newspaper



cc.  Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, President Pontifical Commission of Ecclesia Dei

       Bishop Nicholas Dattilo, Bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg

       Rev. William J. King, JCD, Judicial Vicar, Diocese of Harrisburg